ID: Bill would add violent criminals to sex offender registry

BOISE — An Idaho legislative panel is considering a bill to add people convicted of violent crimes – such as murder, kidnapping and felony domestic violence – to the state’s sex offender registry.

The House Judiciary, Rules and Administration Committee voted unanimously Tuesday to consider expanding the registry to include violent offenders. Full Article

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I Knew it was just a matter of Time,,Next are 2nd ammendment People I bet,, Just because they Could be Potentially Violent,,Oh and Gay People Too because their crimes are Usually Crimes of Passion and are Pretty Gory Sometimes. Then There are Those that Defend Us ….So We All are REGISTERED eventually Tagged tracked Watch You’ll See..It’s Just for the Kids Right Now but they ARE AFTER THE KIDS TOO so Really Now??? And then You have People being Killed in Prison because all they are doing is Lumping it all back together into a GP atmosphere..Prison Politics,,IN THE SYSTEM and ON the STREET.. That IS what IT IS! READ THIS:

Hey this is great news for us hopefully they make it retroactive and place all the same restrictions on these people to. I know it seems selfish and its going to be hell for millions of more people but by placing people other the sex offenders on this same list will give us rso a way better chance to get registration as a whole overturned. All these laws are unconstitutional and the courts who uphold these laws and the people who introduce and pass these laws are all enemies of the constitution and traitors especially the judges who are supposed to stop these laws. All these people are sworn to protect the constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic but they are all domestic terrorist that will be defeated by their own actions like this law adding millions of more people to the registry. Evil always becomes its own demise and good will eventually prevail. Il feel bad for all the people that will be effected by this new law but if it spreads across the country like the rso laws then your talking about tens of millions of people being affected and then the people of this country will wake up and see what’s really going on and hopefully put a stop to the enemies of the country.

Mike, I have to agree with you …. and add child abuse & neglect and DUIs also!
Once a huge number of people are registered and suffering the registry’s effects, maybe then change will come!

Why can’t they make a separate list?

Q those are all great quotes and are are true to their words. This country is in crisis and is being attacked by these domestic terrorist and the media and mainstream public don’t even realize it. All the focus is on foreign terrorist when in fact these law makers and judges are more of a threat to this country then isis ever could or will be. Like I said these people are traitors and terrorist and domestic enemies of our constitution and if the general public doesn’t wake up and see these people and the laws they’re making for what they are our country is going to regress back to the dark ages. The whole world is regressing backward with the worldwide holy war the mass destitution the rich controlling the world while the masses serve in servitude just to survive or live in destitution. It’s realy scary to watch and to think I have a son and grandson that are going to be in an ever increasingly inhumane world full of conflict and desperation simply because we are not wealthy and are at the mercy of the powerful. I’m not an educated man so I don’t know if anything can be done to stop this process or if there is anything that can be done. I realy hope that there are people that are intelligent enough to see what is happening and articulate enough to reverse it because this isn’t a fight with weapons but one of the power of the written word.

I agree with mike, the more on the registry, the better the chance to get rid of it.
Hears a thought, Send out emails to reporters and Politicians and tell them you would like to open up the Child abuse Lists, so that you can better pick a baby sitter, also send them News clips of baby Sitters beating and shaking Kids.
Here’s a thought,pool every ones money together and start putting Drunk Drivers pictures on Milk Cartons.

Soon everyone will be on a list. This only makes it harder for us to get rid of the sex offender list! This is not a good thing at all!

We have to protect the chillin so we need to put all criminal offenders on the rso list so as to put the same restrictions on everyone to save the lil chillin….lil sarcasm there… Yep put millions upon millions on this registry and let’s see how long it last. It’s only fair if your going to registar and restrict rso to protect the children then you need to do the same to ALL violent offenders and dui and child abusers and gangbangers and drug offenders and so on and so on. After all drive by shootings and drug dealers and child abusers are actually a bigger threat to children then rso. I honestly beleive that putting millions upon millions on this list is the only way it will ever be abolished.

In all seriousness, this is a real possible way to a complete abolishing of the registry. We all know that the reason that politicians get away with this is the same reason that judges won’t take a stand as well as the same reasons that more lawyers don’t choose to enter into this kind of work.

Sex offenders are dirt and the populace at large is perfectly willing to sit by and ignore all the hypocrisy, forgetting the essential ideals of a moral society.

We need a more sympathetic victim of the registry scam.

Pick one; murders, drunk drivers, white collar ciminals, violent crimes, gun charges,gang bangers, drug dealers.

Pick one, pick them all.

Every one will get petition signatures. Every one will get the full power of the ACLU. Every one will eventually be overturned as unconditional. Overturned in a way that will also get the SOR thrown out as well.

Yep put all felons on it after all its to save the children no one wants a convicted felon around children ..isn’t safe man.